1. “I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning”…War Movie Quotes
19 jun 2017 · “Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours.
I don’t know why—maybe it’s the militancy and negativity that pervades our world these days—but I’ve been watching quite a few war movies of late. Here are some of the most memorable quotes from a few of them.

2. Quotes from War Movies Trivia Quiz
20 nov 2023 · Here is a list of ten movie quotes from epic war movies. Find the correct missing word to complete each quote.
Here is a list of ten movie quotes from epic war movies. Find the correct missing word to complete each quote. - test your knowledge in this quiz! (Author sw11)

3. 50 Greatest Larger-Than-Life War Movie Quotes | Luzdelaluna
26 apr 2017 · 50 Greatest Larger-Than-Life War Movie Quotes. While everybody is busy taking life, I'm going to be saving it. – Desmond Doss (Hacksaw Ridge)
A great collection of awesome war movie quotes about war, soldier, life, love, courage and sacrifices. Respect and honour to all soldiers around the world.

4. 100 Movie Quotes about Training (Sound Clips)
19 dec 2024 · 1. For 800 years have I trained Jedi. Frank Oz as Jedi Master Yoda in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Memorable quotes about training, selected from famous or less known movies and other sources by...
5. Re: Favorite Movie Quotes - Total War Center Forums
23 apr 2009 · Pvt. Joker: Sir, the squad leader is Private Snowball, sir! Gunnery Sgt. Hartman: Private Snowball! Pvt. Snowball: Sir, Private Snowball ...
Inspired by a silly facebook app i wanted to post this. They can be anything from inspirational to badass, whatever reason suites you. Mine will be badass :rambo:: Jesse Ventura - "I Ain't Got Time To Bleed!" ~ Predator Liam Neeson - "i will look for you, i will find you, i will kill you" - Taken
6. The Train (1964 film) - Wikiquote
Dialogue · : I knew of books being burned, other things... · : A book is worth a few francs; we Germans can afford to destroy those. · : You won't convince me that ...
The Train is a 1964 war film based on the non-fiction book Le front de l'art by Rose Valland. The film is set in 1944 and tells the story of a German colonel who loads a train with stolen French art treasures to send to Germany. The Resistance must stop it without damaging the cargo.
7. [TMP] "War Movie Quotes" Topic - The Miniatures Page
Bevat niet: Trains | Resultaten tonen met:Trains
Our miniature wargaming group is planning a joint (no, I don't mean it that way although a few of our more uptight players could stand some loosening up) night out with several other wargaming groups. As part of the entertainment, I am making a list of wargamers trivia questions and have decided to base them on quotes from war movie dialogs.
8. Thin Red Line Quotes
The Thin Red Line Quotes. Memorable lines from the film. TRAIN V.O.. What's this war in the heart of nature? Why does nature vie with itself? The land contend ...
TRAIN V.O. What's this war in the heart of nature? Why does nature vie with itself? The land contend with the sea? Is there an avenging power in nature? Not one power but two?
9. Railroading, like the movies, has memorable quotes - Trains.com
Bevat niet: War | Resultaten tonen met:War
See Also10달러 셰프 4K Movie DownloadClassic Trains magazine celebrates the 'golden years of railroading' including the North American railroad scene from the late 1920s to the late 1970s. Giant steam locomotives, colorful streamliners, great passenger trains, passenger terminals, timeworn railroad cabooses, recollections of railroaders and train-watchers.
10. The Train - Quotes.net
Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the The Train movie on Quotes ... The Train is a 1964 war film based on the non-fiction book Le front de l'art ...
Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the The Train movie on Quotes.net
11. New Movie Quote Game - Total War Heaven Forum
... trains. Everybody enjoys a hearty laugh and returns to the café." -Dave Barry. [This message has been edited by Legio Yow (edited 08-07-2006 @ 01:24 PM) ...
Yes, I know FD2 did this already, but I had a few problems with the way he did it. It seemed that it didn't depend so much on how much you know your movie quotes as what time zone you were in and how quickly you read them. So I'm going to try a slightly different way.
12. Top 10 Films About Trains: Westerns and War Movies - Cinema Paradiso
30 sep 2022 · Top 10 Films About Trains: Westerns and War Movies ; A still from Bullet Train (2022) ; A still from The Perils of Penelope Pitstop: Vol.1 (1969).
Top 10 Films About Trains: Westerns and War Movies
13. Film Quotes from The Train (1964) (p1) : Classic Movie Hub (CMH)
Labiche: Where are the Allies? Resistance leader: It has been arranged for a French division to reach Paris first. A gesture. Labiche: Gesture! They can make ...
Browse Memorable Film Quotes from The Train (1964) (p1) at Classic Movie Hub (CMH).

14. 'I'm at war with the world and everybody in it.' - Runaway Train
19 nov 2022 · Oscar "Manny" Manheim: I'm at war with the world and everybody in it ... Movie Quote Database with Video Clips | API | About Us | Privacy ...
Oscar "Manny" Manheim: I'm at war with the world and everybody in it.

15. Bullet Train: The 10 Best Quotes From The Movie - Screen Rant
7 aug 2022 · "We Prepare Together Or We Die Alone." The Elder. The Elder fighting with his blade in Bullet Train. This quote ...
Bullet Train's appeal may come from its impressive action sequences, but there are plenty of thought-provoking quotes to follow. What are they?

16. Train - Quotes.net
Labiche: Paint it? For von Waldheim-- make him a present? To hell with London! We started this whole thing for one reason: to stop the train, because the Allies ...
Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the Train movie on Quotes.net
17. Transport And Supply During The First World War
This slowed the rate of advance, while the retreating troops fell back onto their supply lines and were augmented by reinforcements brought in by road and rail ...
At the turn of the twentieth century railways dominated land transport. Motor vehicles had yet to seriously threaten the railways, except for local traffic, while aviation was at an embryonic stage.